Thank you for making a gift to The Hospital of Central Connecticut.
Financial support from generous people like you help The Hospital of Central Connecticut provide the very best care possible to everyone who needs it. Luckily, it's easy to give.
Your donation will help The Hospital of Central Connecticut sustain our work of providing expert and compassionate care to patients and their families in times of great need.
An annual gift is a gift made every year. Gifts to The Hospital of Central Connecticut may be unrestricted, meaning they are used in the area of greatest need.
Employee giving sends a profound message to the community that employees not only work here, but also truly believe in our mission to improve the health and healing of all.
Help us to continue to provide world-class healthcare for our patients. One small gesture can make a difference and mean so much to the future of our hospitals.
Dozens of community members of all ages donate their time and talents.
Dedicated to serving the health of the community.
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