Hospitalist Services

Our Hospitalist Service is dedicated to helping you receive the very best medical care during your stay at The Hospital of Central Connecticut.

We are committed to excellence in patient care. If you have any suggestions for improvement, concerns, or questions, please contact one of us directly.

Dr. Mohammed Shams
Regional Director of Hospitalist Medicine, The Hospital of Central Connecticut and MidState Medical Center

Dr. Radhika Adiraju
Director of Hospitalist Medicine, The Hospital of Central Connecticut

Hospitalist Services FAQs

Q: What is a hospitalist?

A: A hospitalist is a physician whose primary focus is the medical care of hospitalized patients. Hospitalists at The Hospital of Central Connecticut meet strict criteria regarding education, licensing, and credentialing. They are board-certified in internal medicine and highly trained to take care of you during your hospital stay.

Q: Why are hospitalists taking care of me instead of my primary care doctor?

A: Many community physicians have elected to use the Hospitalist Service for their patients admitted to the hospital. If your physician uses this service, you will be cared for by a hospitalist. Also, patients who do not have a primary care physician with admitting privileges to The Hospital of Central Connecticut will be cared for by a hospitalist.

Q: How does the Hospitalist Service work?

A: Hospitalists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your hospitalist works in close coordination with your doctor to make sure you are receiving the best care possible while in the hospital. Your doctor will receive admission information including your diagnosis and treatment plan. He or she will be notified whenever there is a significant change in your condition. At discharge, you and your doctor will be informed of all needed follow-up care, including medications and appointments.

Q: How does the Hospitalist Service benefit patients?

A: Hospitalists work closely with the nurses, physician assistants, and specialists to create trust, teamwork, and an atmosphere for quality patient care. There is constant communication among the hospital team to ensure you are receiving the best treatment possible. Hospitalists have the ability to visit with a patient or family members any time of day. There is always a hospitalist on staff who can be at a patient’s bedside in a matter of minutes for emergencies and to answer questions from patients and their families.

Q: Will I continue to see the hospitalists after I leave the hospital?

A: Once discharged from the hospital, you will see your primary care physician. If you do not have one, you will be referred to a Hospital of Central Connecticut community physician.


The Hospital of Central Connecticut received a Treatment of Sepsis Award from Healthgrades.
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Hospitalist Services

  • Bradley Memorial Campus

    81 Meriden Ave.,
    Southington, CT 06489
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    New Britain, CT 06050
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    860.224.5661 #3

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